Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Kissing Frogs....

Posted by Sari Panacek at Tuesday, January 22, 2013 0 comments
Ok everyone it is about that time to start digging in your inventories and pulling up all those fabulous "Be Mine" Valentines Gatchas you got last year! And don't be kissing too many frogs looking for your prince charming you may just end up with some warts!

Hair: [e] Garden - Blonde 02
Body: Cute Bytes - ToddleeDoo Kid
Freckles: Rozena - Freckle & Beauty Marks Set (lil bit)
Shirt: Razzberry - Kissed a Frog Sweater
Skirt: Pixie*Dust- Glitterfied Skirt (Bubblegum)
Leggings: Razzberry Leggings (pink)
Shoes: Inner Peace - Leather Wellies
Headband: Gigglebox- Green <3 Hairband ~S (Last years Gatcha Item)
Nose: *AG* (now known as Bebechic) Gatcha Nose Butterfly - Green (Last years Gatcha Item)

And I promise in the next few posts I will have my pose stand all organized and displaying to me the name of the pose in addition to the creator so that I can credit my poses! I apologize to those who I have not credited to! You all do fabulous work and I don't know where I would be without you all!

And keep the requests coming! Have a favorite shirt or outfit you want remixed? What about an accessory you are looking for an awesome outfit to match? Let me know!
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